Lack of Motivation? Find a Race!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had been looking for something to get me motivated and back into running regularly.  I had talked about starting up again several times, but inevitably my desire to get out there and run got trumped by something “more important.” (More important = Jersey Shore reruns, iPad games, and Chick-Fil-A).  Finally I bit the bullet, signed up for the National Half Marathon on March 26th, and forced myself to hit the pavement.

Adding to what Shawn mentioned last week, a race is a great motivation tool because it establishes a concrete focal point for your training and gives you a date that you need to be prepared by.  No more aimless running here and there, and no more excuses for skipping days or weeks at a time.  You’ve registered, put your money out there, and now it’s time to train hard or throw your cash away.  The race date is not going to change, so unless you want to suffer through it and be embarrassed with the result, you’ll get going.

Important things to remember when selecting a race to train for are dates, race type & length, and race atmosphere.  Leave yourself enough time before a race to get into decent shape, but keep it close enough to stay at the front of your mind.  A 2-5 month window is a good starting point, depending on your current conditioning.  Whether you’re new to running or consider yourself a seasoned vet, it’s important to select a realistic and manageable race.  Beginners may dream of running a marathon or finishing an Olympic tri, but making this your short term goal could prove stressful and counter-productive.  Selecting a 5k or 10k is a little less daunting, and you’ll be much happier with the results.  Experienced runners might look for a new challenge to light the fires, and a duathlon, obstacle race, or tough marathon course could be just the opportunity.  Finally, picking the right race comes down to what kind of race-day vibe you’re looking for.  The Baltimore Running Festival will give you a very different experience than your local community 5K, so if thousands of spandex-clad runners get your blood pumping aim for a bigger race.



Will Murdoch

Shawn Loper

Elite Race Management
P.O. Box 314
Jarrettsville, MD 21084

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Elite Race Management is a full service timing and event management company based in Baltimore, MD catering to the running, cycling, and multisport community.

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Will Murdoch

Shawn Loper

Elite Race Management
P.O. Box 314
Jarrettsville, MD 21084

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